Why should you apply for an apprenticeship?

Why should you apply for an apprenticeship?

Ever felt like you need to learn more or discover something new? When you think about which way in life you want to go, whether that be to go to uni, get an apprenticeship or just get a job and stick it out for a while what makes you make that choice. You may get all flustered and constantly worry that you aren’t good enough for the course or role but trust me you are! I’ve just begun my journey as an apprentice and I’m going to tell you why taking this route could be the one for you. So, put your thinking head on and we’ll go through the key features of what an apprenticeship can offer you and what benefits you will gain from this kind of experience.

I am carrying out my apprenticeship at Anglo Adhesives and as a social media and digital marketing coordinator. Sounds fancy I know. I have only been working here a week but I have begun to already feel the benefits of starting this role. 

To begin with, building your confidence is a big part of getting an apprenticeship. Don’t get me wrong, I am not confident in the slightest. I started off feeling like a little mouse in comparison to everyone else, but now I’ve begun having to answer the phones and having to interact with customers, about their bath repair kit, I feel marginally more confident and the real confidence will come in time. Even just meeting new people makes you feel homelier in a new environment.

Earn while you learn:
That’s right! No tuition fees, no student loans and hopefully, no debt. Thinking about being in debt after uni puts a lot of people’s minds in a bother but by taking an apprenticeship you don’t have to have that thought running through your mind constantly. You’ll be earning your own wage and have a flowing income throughout the apprenticeship so you can still go out with your mates or treat yourself from time to time.
Whilst completing the apprenticeship you may have to go to college once a week to gain your qualification or even be as lucky as me to be doing a course from the comfort of my desk. I will be completing a NVQ level 3 in digital marketing, which I’m sure will be very enthralling, but there are hundreds of different qualifications you can gain whether that be in the fashion or sport so don’t think that there won’t be one to fit your interests!

A head start into the industry:
By starting an apprenticeship in the industry you’re interested in you’re already a few steps closer to gaining a lifelong career in that role. You could even work your way up the ladder in the business if that’s what you want to pursue. But if that’s not your career path your qualification will illustrate to a new employer that you can ‘hit the ground running’ as you’ll already have hands on training unlike when you leave uni. So, by me taking this career path I may find by the end of my 18-month apprenticeship I may be lucky enough to bag myself an actual full-time job here!

So, to round up, if you’re considering getting an apprenticeship you’ve just got to explore and apply. Keep applying for the ones you’re interested in and I know you’ll get rewarded! As part of my coursework I will be regularly blogging on our website. Go check it out!

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