Mother’s Day bathroom gift guide

Mother’s Day bathroom gift guide

Now we all know that our mums like to take a relaxing bath or like to use luxury soaps/moiturisers when they can. This form of relaxation makes sure that our mums feel re-energised and pampered so that they are ready again for their busy schedule. If you want to treat your mum to some luxury bathroom gifts then go ahead and take a look at our Mother’s Day bathroom gift guide below.

Assorted scented candles – there are so many of these available on the market in a range or sizes and prices but if you know your mum has a particular brand of candle that she prefers always stick to that so that she isn’t disappointed. If you aren’t sure what type of candle or smell your mum likes, popular scents include vanilla, cinnamon and lavender. These can then be placed around the bathroom and lit when she decides to have a relaxing bath.

Foot care system – seen as mums do a lot of walking around after us, think about buying her a foot care system to keep her feet feeling fresh and rejuvenated. Using a foot care system ensures that your skin is smooth and circulation stays at an optimum level.

Wine soaps – most mums love a glass of wine from time to time after a hard day at work so why not invest in some wine scented soaps for her to use when bathing. If your mum doesn’t like wine perhaps try finding soaps with refreshing citrus scents.

A gift hamper – this is our top choice on our Mother’s Day bathroom gift guide. If you can not decide on one particular item, try to source mini items of the above and put them in a hamper. You can even add extra bits like make up, hair products or even chocolates.

If you want to make your mum something individual read our ‘How to make your own scented candles’ blog here

Our last point in our gift guide – Your mum shouldn’t have to try and relax in a bathtub with a chip in it! If there’s a hole, crack, split or scratch in your bath, repair it today with one of our Acrylic Bath Repair Kits.

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