How to make your own bath bombs

How to make your own bath bombs

If you love to have a soak in the bath from time to time and also love to make your own products. Here is a guide on how to make your own bath bombs which is really easy and simple to follow. By the end of it you won’t be able to stop creating your own fragrances with bath bombs!

Contents of what you will need:

  • 100g citric acid
  • 10ml essential oils
  • 300g bicarbonate of soda
  • Soap colouring
  • Mixing bowl
  • Scales
  • Spoon
  • Spray bottle with water
  • Round/square moulds
  1. Mix the dry ingredients
    In the mixing bowl measure out the bicarbonate of soda and citric acid. A sieve may be required with the bicarbonate of soda so that the mixture doesn’t go lumpy. Thoroughly mix the ingredients together until they are as one.
  2. Add colour and scent
    Add around 10 drops of essential oils to the mixture. Popular scents are lavender, lemon and chamomile. Next, add the colour into the mixture a drop at a time until you reach a desired shade.
  3. Mix thoroughly
    After the colour and scent has been added quickly mix all the ingredients together so that they don’t fizz too much. Some citrus essential oils can cause dry ingredients to fizz so make sure to mix the ingredients fast.
  4. Add water
    One spray at a time add the water into the mixture and stir. Keep spraying and stirring the mixture with the spoon until the mixture comes together. Be careful not to make the mixture too wet else it won’t fizz when it is added to your bath.
  5. Add mixture into the mould
    Put the mixture into a mould. It is preferable to use a silicon mould which can be purchased at many baking stores or online on Amazon. Try to tightly compact the mixture into the mould so that it fills the mould. Press the mould together for a few minutes and then remove the bath bomb so that it can dry out.

After approximately 30 minutes the bath bomb should have dried out and be ready to use in your next relaxing bath!

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