How to organise your bathroom

How to organise your bathroom

Your bathroom should be a place of relaxation, where you go to unwind after a long day to become stress free. The bathroom is a place of tranquility, where you spend time preparing yourself in the morning and where you’re ready to call it a night. Read our top tips on how to organise your bathroom:

Get rid of all old towels, products and rubbish to make sure you know exactly what you have. Tidy space, tidy mind as i say. Place everything you now have left in front of your cupboards ready to organise.

Use towel hooks as a space saver. By doing this everyone can have their own hook where their towel goes rather than them be slung back into the cupboard or on the floor where they won’t properly dry out and look messy.

Choosing a clear stackable unit/containers will make it much easier to see what is in each draw rather than having one big drawer full of everything you could possibly fit into it.

Its too easy to put everything and anything in the vanity unit where you get ready. So try to refrain from throwing the grooming products back in there and instead have a tidy drawer where everything has its own space.

Put clean plastic lining at the bottom of your baskets or drawers, as this makes them much easier to clean. Who wants to open the drawer one morning and find lotion split everywhere and noway to easily clean it up? No-one.

If you’re feeling really up to it you can decant all your shampoos, conditioners and body washes into stylish bottles that match your bathroom theme. These could be in the style of plastic bottles with pumps, or for a more upmarket feel you could put them into vintage glass bottles. 

And that’s how to organise your bathroom! If other members of your household find rules hard to stick by read this guide to bathroom rules.

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