Heritage Bathrooms recommend our Acrylic Bath Repair Kit!

Heritage Bathrooms recommend our Acrylic Bath Repair Kit!

Heritage Bathrooms recommend our Acrylic Bath Repair Kit!

We’re really pleased to announce that we have recently been working on our long standing connection with highly regarded bath manufacturer, Heritage Bathrooms following a great recommendation of our Acrylic Bath Repair Kit!

We were contacted here by a lovely lady who had a brand new Heritage Holywell bath that had been damaged by a tradesman whilst renovating her bathroom. We felt her pain & were only too happy to help!

She had contacted Heritage Bathrooms to see if they could help & they had pointed the customer in our direction to purchase our acrylic bath repair kit!

The Heritage Holywell bath is a beautifully elegant freestanding acrylic single ended bath & the outside is hand painted in Farrow & Ball Copper, Silver or Gold paint. This particular customer had copper – and we think it’s stunning!

The customer explained to our team over the phone that the outside surface of the bath had been dented. We recommended that the customer should purchase a clear acrylic bath repair kit from us, rather than the standard 1W28 European White, to repair the dent and contact Farrow & Ball directly for a small pot of copper paint to go over the top of the repair.

This would provide a repair, flush with the surface of the bath & painted to match the copper exterior.

Following this great recommendation (as well as many previous recommendations), our marketing team contacted Heritage Bathrooms to thank them & to find out if we could work together in the future. It’s because of this, you will now see the Heritage Bathrooms logo displayed on the homepage of our website.

You can buy your Acrylic Bath Repair Kit Here.

Unsure of which kit is right for you? Need a clear or coloured repair kit instead of white?

Call our sales team on +44 (0)1664 480876 or email us at sales@bathtubrepair.co.uk & our experienced team will be able to advise you which kit you need!

You can also contact us through our website here.

Did you know you can also find us on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram? We love seeing the photos of your repairs & if you tag us in your pictures, you could feature on our social media channels!

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