COVID-19 – Update 5th Nov

COVID-19 – Update 5th Nov

COVID-19 – Update 5th Nov

Following the latest Government announcement at the weekend of a second national lockdown starting Thursday 5th November 2000 – 2nd December 2020, we are pleased to announce that we will continue to remain OPEN for business.

To ensure that all aspects of the business can continue to operate, during the course of the year we have implemented a great many changes within our organisation to ensure the safeguarding of our employees and those that visit our site – operating in line with the Covid-19 guidelines on safe working practises, social distancing and sanitising.

Anglo service a great many different market sectors and these measures will allow the company to continue to function as we do, yes it will be tough but we work as hard as ever to continue to give our customers the high level of service and order fulfilment they have always enjoyed from us. 

The impact of this second lockdown will undoubtedly have an effect on all businesses but I would like to not only thank everyone who has supported us so far, but wish all of our customers, suppliers, their families and friends all the very best during these unexceptional challenging times.

Charlotte Davey
Managing Director

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