A few common plumbing questions answered by us

A few common plumbing questions answered by us

We all know that a professional plumber can charge a lot for their time so being able to do a few odd jobs yourself can make your life a lot easier and also save you the cash. Some plumbing problems can be quite complicated so leave them to the professionals but if the problem is minor you can use your own elbow grease! We have put together some common plumbing questions and answers that may help you understand a little more about plumbing:

How can I increase my water pressure? 

Issues with water pressure can be linked to volume or flow. A restriction in a line, or having a line that is under sized or too long, could be the problem. If you have a pressure gauge installed you can check this yourself. The water pressure in most households is in the region of 40-50 PSI. Have a look at the gauge with all the water off and then again when the water is on full. If the pressure is fine until you turn the water on, then its a flow problem. If the issue occurs to a particular faucet then you may be able to improve the pressure by cleaning the inner of the faucet as it could be clogged.

What plumbing tools should i keep in my house?

1. A plunger – these are effective in unclogging toilets, sinks, baths and showers.
2. A hand auger – this is perfect for a more difficult clog as it is made from 25 feet of steel cable.
3. Wet and dry vacuum – these are a great tool for if a pipe bursts as it can make the difference between having to replace a floor or saving it.

What is the difference between hard and soft water? 

Hard water is water that contains a noticeable amount of dissolved materials, like calcium and magnesium. Soft water is treated so that the only ion present is sodium. If you get damaged clothes when doing the washing or your water tastes different this could be a problem so make sure to check it out.

If you have any other plumbing questions feel free to ask us or to read our other (interesting) blogs click here.

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