Cleaning and caring for your ceramic or enamel bath

Cleaning and caring for your ceramic or enamel bath

So, baths are made from a wide variety of materials which means that cleaning or fixing can be difficult as you can’t use the same products. By us providing you with these ‘clean and care’ details it will ensure your bathroom blues are kept at bay.

Ceramic sanitary surfaces:

Ceramic products have been discovered by archaeologists dating back to 25,000 BC. This shows that ceramic is a hard and durable material due to the high temperatures that are used when firing the material.

When cleaning your ceramic bath or sink ensure to do it regularly with hot soapy water and a soft/micro fibre cloth. If the area is built up with limescale add a dash of white vinegar into the mixture to bring the area back to a sparkling appearance. You should not use any type of scourer on ceramic as this will scratch the glaze that has been applied over the material.

If you are unfortunate and end up dropping a heavy object into the ceramic bath or sink you should repair the damage straight away with our bath repair kit. The repair kit is suitable for repairing cracks, chips and many more damages.

Enamel sanitary surfaces:

Enamel products have been being produced from the 13th century BC. This illustrates that the material is extremely tough which makes it perfect for using as a bath.

In order to clean your enamel bath a mixture of water and white vinegar will be sufficient. If there are tougher stains sprinkle a little baking soda followed by the vinegar and water solution. After applying the solution, leave to settle for a few minutes then wipe with a soft cloth to reveal the gleam. Avoid using rough materials on enamel as this could damage the glaze or cause discolouration.

Falling objects are the main cause to damages on enamel baths. If this happens to you our repair kit will fix any chips or cracks you encounter.

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