Which is better a bath or a shower?

Which is better a bath or a shower?

This dispute has been happening for many years and although many people believe having a relaxing soak in the bath is most beneficial it isn’t very cost effective, like a shower is. In a ideal world you’d much rather have both in your bathroom separately however not everyone has the space or money for this. Shower baths are now very popular so that you can have the best of both worlds all in one area, super!

Here are some useful facts on why a shower is better than a bath:

  1. Taking a shorter soak by 2 minutes can save you around £40 a year on water bills.
    Now this doesn’t sound like a lot but if you compare those 2 minutes to the 12 spare hours you will have a year by doing this it sounds crazy!
  2. An average 8 minute shower uses 62 litres of hot water in comparison to 80 litres for a bath.
  3. Researchers suggest that having a warm shower will ensure you don’t get dry skin.

Facts on why a bath is better than a shower:

  1. If you own a power shower an 8 minute wash can use up to 136 litres of water, that’s 200,000 litres a year!
  2. Baths are more relaxing – they are said to reduce stress and help with anti-aging.
  3. Researchers suggest that having a bath reduces the feeling of loneliness.

In conclusion, it is difficult to say which is better for you and your money as both have different advantages. Whilst some people may say having a nice hot bath after a long day at work is what makes you feel revived again. Others may say they’d rather a quick shower and then get snuggled up on the sofa and relax for the rest of the evening. The answer is completely down to yourself. Go ahead and try both this week and see which you prefer!

If you happen to damage your bath or shower tray we have the perfect repair solution here.

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