5 bathroom rules you shouldn’t break when having to share with others

5 bathroom rules you shouldn’t break when having to share with others

Lets face it, the majority of us don’t have the pleasure of having a bathroom to ourselves so it is polite for everyone who is sharing the bathroom to consider the bathroom rules and others that may want to use the bathroom after them. Whether you share it with your family, your partner or housemates everyone should adhere to the same rules to make sure their are no unwanted arguments. Here are the 5 rules that shouldn’t be broken when sharing a bathroom:

  1. Clean up after yourself
    Bathrooms are prone to grease, dirt and dust so by everyone cleaning the area they have used once they have finished makes it a much more pleasurable experience for everyone else and it wills only take you a couple of minutes! Rather than the nominated person having to spend hours cleaning the thick grime up at the end of each week.
  2. Always replace the loo roll
    There’s nothing worse than sitting down on the loo and realising that there is no toilet roll left, all you see is a brown cardboard roll left on the hanger. So lets save everyone the heartbreak and remember to replace the toilet roll if you use the last bit of it!
  3. Leave enough hot water for others
    If there are a large number of you who need to use the shower in the morning make sure to have a quick blast rather than leaving the last person to shower in icy cold water, it’s not a pleasant experience!
  4. Remember to ventilate
    If you have showered and left the mirrors all steamed up the next person who needs a mirror will not be happy! Remember to turn the extractor fan on before you shower and leave it on afterwards too or even open the window to try and get rid of the mist.
  5. Use the bathmat
    No-one likes walking into the bathroom in their socks to leave with wet feet afterwards so try to keep yourself on the bath mat or avoid splashing water everywhere!

Here are the bathroom rules so try to stick to them for everyone’s sake! Click here to see the best tips for keeping a clean bathroom.

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