3 top questions answered by our bath doctor

3 top questions answered by our bath doctor

So, this week I thought I’d give you a quick summary of the three main questions customers have asked me about our bath repair kit and how I answered them. I gave customers as much in-depth detail as possible so they were satisfied and confident enough to carry out their repair. I am open to as many questions as you like no matter how silly they may sound!

  1. Why do the two parts get hot when mixing?
    Our repair kit is formulated from two different acrylic solutions. Part one is an acrylic polymer syrup dissolved in a monomer and part two is a liquid catalyst. When mixing the two components they start to react with each other. Whilst reacting this makes the solution hot because the formula must combine thoroughly in order for it to harden a substantial amount so that you can apply it to the damaged area.
  2. How do I make a smaller amount of mixture?
    If you only have a small damaged area on your bath or shower tray I understand why you would only want to use part of the mixture. If a smaller amount is required dispense one drop (tear drop) of Part 2 directly from its container for every 1ml of Part 1. You can do this by using the syringe and extracting the material into a different container. However, when you fill in the chip or scratch it is important to overfill the damage so that when you sand the area down there won’t be any discoloration or chances of the solution coming away from the damaged area.
  3. How long is the shelf life?
    The two mixing solutions will last for at least 12 months when stored unopened in their exact containers. However, once both parts have been mixed the solution should be used immediately as the curing process is beginning

That is what I have to offer you this week! These questions are frequently asked so I have learnt them pretty quickly but if there are any other questions please visit our live chat on the website.

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