2 major signs that your bathroom needs some TLC

2 major signs that your bathroom needs some TLC

You bump into an old friend in the street and they suggest that you should meet up soon. ‘Yes that’s great! Oh wait, no, the bathroom!’ We’ve all had this feeling when you’re excited to be having family or friends round but also have a lump in your throat as you haven’t had time in the last month to give your bathroom a deep clean and you’re wondering what they might think. Don’t worry, here are a few tell tale signs of when you’ll need to get them rubber gloves out just in case someone turns up unexpectedly.

There are a variety of bathroom cleaners on the market but i find making your own cleaner can be more beneficial and less costly in the long term.

1. Soap scum

No-one likes the appearance of a line around the top of your bath or patches of white droplets on your shower screen so here is how to get rid of that.
Simply spray white vinegar on to the dirty area and wipe using a damp sponge. After this has been done rinse the area well with water and then dry with a clean towel. If the soap scum is thicker, put a layer of baking powder on to the area and leave for around 15 minutes, you make need to use a bristled brush to get the tougher stains out before rinsing the area thoroughly and drying with a clean towel.

2. Mould and mildew

Seeing black patches around your bathroom is an unsightly feeling. To get rid of these areas thoroughly is it recommended to put a little bleach on the area first so that it penetrates the surface. Next rinse the areas before proceeding with the cleaning details described above for soap scum.

To prevent these build ups happening again try to use a squeegee once you’ve finished in the shower or bath to wipe away excess water. Also make sure that your bathroom is always ventilated.

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