3 cheap DIY tips for a better bathroom

3 cheap DIY tips for a better bathroom

We all get that feeling now and again that you need something new in your life or you want to make something look nicer but how do you do that on a low budget? DIY is the answer! Now that phrase to a lot of people makes you feel like you’ll never get round to it or you’ll never finish the job so why wouldn’t you just hire someone to redecorate the bathroom in one day? Because it’s expensive and then you won’t have your own unique touch. So here’s a few tips to making your own bathroom look new again:

  1. A lick of paint
    There are various paint brands out there that offer good quality paint for a low price. Whether you want a light blue or deep purple they have thousands of colours that will look great in any bathroom. By applying a little paint you can rediscover your love for your bathroom as it will instantly make it look revitalised.
  2. A new mirror
    This might seem a little expensive but it’s not. You can go down to your local antique shop or car boot and pick up some great mirrors that won’ stretch your budget. A mirror can save you a lot of hard work as by simply putting a new and bigger mirror above your vanity unit it can create more light to your bathroom. If you get a mirror with a wooden frame you can also paint that in whatever colour or design you want.
  3. Get a few photos framed
    By adding your own homely touch to your bathroom it can make you feel more relaxed. So grab your camera or even your phone and take a few snaps of wildlife or flowers and get them developed. This only costs a few pounds along with the frames and it’ll make your bathroom look much better.

    And that’s that! Get up and head to the town to pick up these few items that will dramatically transform your bathroom. And guess what you will have done your own DIY!

    If your bath is looking a bit worse for wear that check out our latest products by clicking here.

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