20 Christmas Bathroom Decorations – Part 4

20 Christmas Bathroom Decorations – Part 4

Christmas is now only a week away! Can you believe it! Every town now has their Christmas lights up and running and i hope you do too! However, have you thought about adding some festivities into your bathroom yet? Well here is the last 5 of our Christmas Bathroom Decorations for you to look at:

1. Candles
Candles are an easy add to your bathroom and can also make it look more luxurious rather than Christmassy if you prefer that. Using metallic candle holders can help reflect the light around your bathroom also making it appear larger.

2. Mini Christmas trees
These are effective yet simple and easy to add to your bathroom to add a little festive cheer. Simply place a few around the sink, on shelves and your windowsill to give a wintery effect.

3. Ornaments
Ornaments are an easy find in all shops around Christmas time and are also a variety prices but you don’t need to spend a lot to create happiness and warmth in a house at Christmas. Simply place a few around the bathroom and they you go!

4. Christmas scented soap
At this time of year everyone is selling scented soaps from cinnamon to mulled wine, so why not indulge yourself in some? This can make you feel even more festive and smelling nice as well!

5. Hang a wreath
Last of all, hang a wreath! This is the simplest of all the Christmas bathroom decorations we have listed and perhaps the most effective one also. A wreath signifies growth and ever lasting life, so is perfect for Christmas!

That is all of our Christmas bathroom decorations listed now, but if you want to read our other blogs simply click here

And for now, Merry Christmas!

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